
Laser and Laser Radial Silver and Bronze Fleets Done For The Day

Although the Laser and Laser Radial Gold fleet completed only one of their two races yesterday they have already sailed 5 races so they drop down the priority list in terms of access to course areas.  The Laser Silver and Bronze fleets and the Laser Radial Silver did not complete any races yesterday although they were afloat so they were scheduled to sail after the class scheduled to use their course areas first had completed their race.

Unfortunately the wind did not co-operate.

At 15:50 the Laser Silver and Bronze fleets and the Laser Radial silver fleet were still ashore with the fleets first scheduled for their race areas not started and still waiting for wind.  At 16:30 only the 49er is course is racing and they will struggle to complete their schedule.

The Event Management team will not decide the programme for 16 September until all are races that are possible are completed so they will then see how they will schedule for the remaining days.  It will not be an easy task with the forecast failing to show any significant increase in wind strength for the next few days.

Probably the Laser and Laser Radial sailors had the best deal of all the fleets today as they did not have to wait afloat.

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