
College of physiotherapy’s students will will face a huge challenge during ISAf santander 2014 world championships.

Los estudiantes matriculados en asignaturas de la Escuela vinculadas al convenio firmado con la RFEV podrán poner en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos en el estudio del Grado en Fisioterapia de la Universidad de Cantabria..

Los universitarios serán una pieza fundamental dentro de la organización de Santander 2014.

College of physiotherapy’s students will will face a huge challenge during ISAf santander 2014 world championships.

Students enrolled in courses related to School can put into practice the knowledge acquired in the studies of the Degree in Physiotherapy.

Santander, June 17, 2014 -. RFEV president and CEO of the World Sailing Santander 2014, José Ángel RodríguezSantos, and the Director of the School of PhysiotherapyGimbernat - Cantabria, Vanessa Pérez, have signed an agreement educational cooperation for conducting internships.

Students of the School attached to the University of Cantabria will have a tutor linked to the company. This tutor has professional experience and knowledge necessary to carry out effective supervision practices.


As in Perth 2011, the university will be a key player in the organization of Santander 2014. In this case, students of Cantabria will benefit since become part of the team that will work daily with athletes.


During the internship, students will implement and supplement the knowledge acquired in their academic training, promoting the acquisition of skills that prepare them for the exercise of professional activities, facilitating their access to work and encourage their entrepreneurial capacity.


Also, being an international event, students will have to play communication skills and teamwork and demonstrate their skills, learning, labor administration and accountability.


In the event, were present the Vice Chancellor International Relations and Coordination CCI, Juan Enrique Varona, the Vice Chancellor of Spaces and Sustainability Services, Angela de Meer, and the Deputy Director of Santander 2014, Alejandro Abascal.